In several parts of the Brittany coast, recreational (and often also commercial) shellfish gathering bans or restrictions are in place due to:
- the high environmental value of the site; this can be the case, for example, for:
- nature reserves (Séné tidal marshes in Morbihan)
- protected eelgrass beds
- protected biotope areas (Morbihan Bay)
- hunting and wildlife reserves
- the classified status of some shellfish beds, where shellfish gathering is regulated in order to protect shellfish populations.
Protected or classified areas in Brittany:
Côtes d’Armor
- The classified cockle and clam bed of Goas Treiz (Trébeurden)
- The classified cockle and clam bed of the Banc du Guer (Ploulec'h)
- The classified cockle and clam bed of Saint-Brieuc bay
Ille et Vilaine
- The classified cockle and clam bed of Mont Saint-Michel Bay;
- The classified cockle and clam bed in the Rance estuary.
- The classified cockle and clam bed of Pont l’Abbé river.
- The Séné tidal marshes nature reserve (Morbihan) ;
- The protected biotope area of Morbihan Bay;
- The classified clam bed of Morbihan Bay.
Useful links
Detailed information on the legislation applying to these areas is available from the Direction Départementale des Territoires et de la Mer (DDTM) and from the Comité Départemental des Pêches Maritimes et de l’Elevage Marin (CDPMEM).